Idioms & Phrases (E-Book)



  • Categories: Competitive Exams
  • Book Type: Study Material
  • Book Medium: Bilingual ( English-Hindi)
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  • Availability: In Stock
  • Brand : Yuwam
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Idioms and Phrasal Verbs form an integral part of English vocabulary. They are also one of the important parts of various competitive exams. Remember, idioms and phrasal verbs are a combination of at least two or more words having a single meaning and often it is not possible to guess the meaning of an idiom or a phrasal verb from the words it contains. Our book provides :-

  • more than 1500 idioms and phrasal verbs commonly asked in various competitive and entrance exams.
  • very clear explanations of meaning and easy to understand example sentences
  • example sentences to help you learn the usage of idioms in their right context.
  • idioms arranged in various categories, such as idioms beginning with action verbs, idioms beginning with verb to be, idioms with nouns and adjectives, idioms with prepositions, etc.
  • The book will enable you to achieve a greater understanding of various idiomatic usage.

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Book Type

E-Book, Paperback, Paperback + E-book